Yellowstone National Park was easily one of the places I was looking forward to the most. I mean it's prime animal spotting territory! With the hope of seeing some bears we spent a good 7 hours exploring.

It didn't take long before we were greeted by some Bison, or American Buffalo, depending who you ask. They were massive but still really cute. You definitely wouldn't want to get too close to one. We also found one chilling next to the geyser. Perfectly positioned for a photo opp.

We hung around for a while, went for a walk around the geyser, and as if like clockwork (actually it was a couple of minutes late, but can be forgiven) Old Faithful Geyser erupted! If you're unaware, it's called Old Faithful because it always erupts every 30-90 minutes. All you have to do is call a ranger and they'll tell you the next time it's due to go.

We had two more stops for the day and we were yet to see any bears. By this point we'd almost given up. We stopped at another couple more geysers including Cerulean geyser, which in tourist pictures looks like a rainbow, in real life it was a bit steamy to tell. You can sort of see the colours though. We also stopped at this incredible waterfall before heading home for the day.

We kept driving about 10 minutes down the road, passing some more bison and saw a group of cars stopped on the side of the road and everyone looking at something. Then it clicked... more bears! This time it was a mother Grizzly and her cub. We couldn't believe our luck. In the space of about 20 minutes we'd see Black bears and Grizzly bears... with cubs!

After our incredible encounter with the bears, we stopped one more time at a lake with a breathtaking view of the Grand Teton Mountains. Let's just say it's hard to take a bad photo of this place.

We continued on to our stop for the night, manically taking photos of the unbelievable views out of the bus window. What an amazing experience, something I will never forget.
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