Day two in New York City started with probably the most touristy thing you can do, a boat ride to the State Of Liberty.

We spent pretty much the rest of the day shopping for black dresses so we could match when we went to the Broadway show. That night we went and saw Finding Neverland and it was absolutely fantastic. I never see shows back home so it's always exciting to go to one when you're in a place like New York City.

Day three began with a bike ride around Central Park. Now for most people this wouldn't be a big deal, but I hadn't been on a bike since I was about 14 years old and let's just say that didn't end well. Luckily I wasn't the only one who needed a bit of practice, but after an hour or so I actually started to enjoy being on the bike haha. Cycling through Central Park really is the best way to see it.

After the bike ride I split off from the group and went to the Met. I spent about 40mins in there and only really saw a tiny bit. I just wanted to make sure that I got to see the beautiful Monet, Renoir and Van Gogh paintings on display. It ended up being one of my favourite places in New York.

Before my hike home down Madison Ave, I decided to pay a quick visit to The Frick Collection. I love seeing once private collections because it really gives you a sense of the person, which you don't get in big galleries. That night we said some teary goodbyes to people we'd spend the past month with and got an early-ish night ready for the second half of the trip.
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