It's kind of hard to explain exactly what Exxopolis is. It's kind of like a big inflatable cave system that makes you feel like you're on the Magic School Bus in that episode where they explore inside the human anatomy.

My friend sent me a link to Exxopolis 2 days before the exhibition ended and made it pretty clear that we had no choice but to make time to go. Luckily it wasn't booked out and we made the smart decision to pre-book online as some of the people who didn't were waiting for up to an hour and a half to get it.

The purple room was by far my favourite, with incredible looking stained glass-like triangles on the walls. I say walls, but it was a big dome, so maybe it's just wall. Every room was very calming (except the red room) and it was very easy to see yourself falling asleep in there.

Exxopolis was in Melbourne for the Summersalt Festival but unfortunately has already finished it's run, however it will be in Adelaide for WOMADelaide. Summersalt Festival is on in Melbourne until Feb 21st 2015 with bursts of creativity happening all over the city.
Link Love
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