Finally Australia has it's very first Kate Spade New York store and, well, it's beautiful. Kate Spade has probably been my favourite accessories designer for the past couple of years now but I can never bring myself to spend that much money online without having a play with the product first. So having this brand new store at Emporium Melbourne means my bank account is going to take a massive blow.

My shopping list is growing every time I look at these photos or trawl the online store. So far this bag ↡ is #1, as well as the adorable gold music note necklace further down and one of the wallets. Only problem is Kate Spade has just announced their Hello Tokyo collection, and I'm a tad obsessed with Japan.
Sorry bank account.
Sorry bank account.

✶✶ So shiny ✶ ✶

I still have $100 left on the Emporium gift card I won so I think it might have to go towards a new wallet from Kate Spade. If you live in Melbourne, have you visited the store yet? What did you think? Are you as obsessed with Kate Spade as I am?
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