Not much can beat the feeling of being part of a crowd of several thousand people all singing along to classic 90s rock, but we'll come back to that later. It's been 4 years since I've been to the Big Day Out, and the first time I went in 2010 was my first ever festival. I didn't get let loose into the festival until 2.30pm because I decided to volunteer in the morning, but my shift finished right in the middle of Tame Impala's set so I rushed over there to hear the rest of it. Tame Impala are definitely one of my favourite bands to see live. If you ever get the chance to see them live, do it, you won't regret it.

I then decided to go check out GroupLove although I wasn't overly impressed and got a bit bored so I went to get some lunch. Hare Krishna food is my favourite festival dish. I swear it looks more appetising in real life.

I was super excited to see The Hives because I hadn't seen them before, and I really like their song Tick Tick Boom. They were absolutely amazing! The lead singer was one of the most charismatic front-men I've ever seen. He reminded me a lot of King Julien from Madagascar, I was half expecting him to start singing "I like to move it move it!" Also how cool are their stage ninjas! (roadies)

I'm pretty obsessed with the songs Reflektor and Afterlife by Arcade Fire at the moment, so seeing them live was a must. However I did get a bit bored with some of their other songs. It sounded a bit all the same. They were still amazing and I think they're only just perfecting their sound.

Snoop Dogg was also there. I decided to go watch him for one song just so I could confirm that he is a real person that exists in this world. Everything about him is so ridiculous. I spent the whole song laughing.

Of course I couldn't stay there long, because, well, Pearl Jam. I'm pretty sure that explains everything. Words cannot describe how excited I was to see Pearl Jam. When you see bands like this, it really does put into perspective every other band on the line-up and how far they still have to go. As I said before, not much can beat the feeling of being part of a crowd of several thousand people all singing along to classic 90s rock.

I had a great day and I'm very content with life now that I've seen Pearl Jam live. I'd like to thank my new friend Holly, who I met on Twitter, for hanging out with me and keeping me company. Festivals are way more fun with other people than by yourself.
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