I have a confession to make, I didn't actually know who Tavi Gevinson was before I bought the ticket to see her talk. I read her bio and was sucked in by the hype, and man am I glad I did. This little pocket rocket creates more inspiration in her left pinkie than some international pop 'stars' do in their entire careers. Now if you're like me and you're not sure who she is, Tavi started her fashion blog The Style Rookie when she was 11, and through the success of that, launched Rookie Mag, the ultimate online recourse for teenage girls. Oh, she's now 17 and about to start her last year at high school too.

Before the event, I met up with fellow Melbourne blogger Vulette from Young Red Violets for a drink and a chat. We've only really met once before but one of the best things about blogging is meeting other bloggers that you know you have at least one thing in common with.

Once inside, we met up with Tori from Soda Style Pop and an adorable high school student and new blogger Mary from Cyber Wallflower (awesome blog name!). Tavi spoke about fan-girling and how it brings people together and how people shouldn't be ashamed to admit what they love. She had cute, funny and inspiring anecdotes tying into books she loves and places she's been. Overall, I couldn't help but wish I had someone like her to look up to and inspire me when I was in high school. Somehow she achieved what every teacher anywhere has failed to do, she made reading and writing cool.

The Melbourne Writers Festival were videoing the whole thing so I really hope they make it available to the public somewhere so I can re-watch it and make notes. I'm so glad I followed the hype and bought a ticket to see this amazing girl do what she does best, inspire and relate. Also credit to Tori from Soda Style Pop for a lot of these photos.
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I hope they make the video too! I missed out on getting a ticket! Sounds like it was a wonderful talk though! She's damn incred! X