Move over Cannes. Last night we braved the cold and went along to the St Kilda Film Festival (SKFF) Opening Night. It was the first time I'd ever been to a film festival as a guest (I'd worked at one previously) and the SKFF is slightly different to most in that it's all short films. This seems to appeal to me more than feature length films. You get to see an array of talented film makers instead of just one. I was particularly excited for Melbhattan which I've previously seen and blogged about, but the video is now on private. We saw about 8-10 short films ranging from music videos, SXSW entries, artsy films and films about life.

It was also fantastic to catch up with some people I worked with at the St Kilda festival earlier in the year, and a couple of other friends that I don't get to see very often. I'll be going to quite a few more SKFF events in the next 2 weeks so I'll keep you updated on what's happening. If you're interested in going, check out the St Kilda Film Festival website to buy tickets!
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