It's that time of the year again. Possibly my favourite Melbourne festival and an event that would be one of my ideal jobs. The 2013 Melbourne International Comedy Festival is in full swing, with over 400 Aussie comedians and 75 International comedians to give us laughter stitches, it's sometimes hard to know what to go to. Last night I went along to Jimmy James Eaton and Jason Geary in their show Sketch-ual Healing and was laughing my ass off all night!
I also got to see my best friend from primary school who I took along to this show. I hadn't seen her since 2010 because she moved to QLD and has been in America for the past 3 months. Please excuse the shiny faces. In conclusion, if you're looking for a good (and pretty cheap) night out at the comedy festival, check out Sketch-ual Healing.
Stalk Me
Will definitely have to give this a go when I'm back in Melbourne x