
Untainted, Flawless Lana

July 24, 2012

I am now officially 100% team Lana. Not that I wasn't before, but I really didn't know what to expect before I saw her live after seeing the SNL fiasco. Lana (because I know you'll read this *cough*), you are amazing. I'm sorry for ever doubting you and I will defend your talent against anyone who says otherwise. 
After standing for 4 hours straight, she finally came on stage and really blew us all away. With the classic Del Rey beehive hair and a beautiful blue dress and heels, she flirted around the stage engaging everyone in the audience.
We were lucky enough to get within 4 rows of the front and as soon as she came toward to front of the stage, everyone surged forward so at times we were probably about 2 from the front.
She sang all her hits and a lot of her album Born To Die, but it was a very short set which was really disappointing considering we waited for so long. She also didn't play my favourite songs 'This Is What Makes Us Girls' and 'Dark Paradise' which was also disappointing.
Overall, she was amazing, and I recommend anyone who might be a bit hesitant to see her because of what they've seen live on youtube to definitely go see her live because youtube really doesn't do her justice. I understand she's not everyone's cup of tea music-wise, but I think people need to give her more credit than they currently do.


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