Today was one big day of sampling some of the little (and mostly free) things that Melbourne has to offer in one afternoon. We started our journey in Sportsgirl because they were offering free manicures and had professional nail artists on hand to spruce up your fingertips (pun not intended).
They had 6 different patterns on offer and were also giving out free mini bottles of nail polish to promote their spring range. We managed to acquire all four colours.
We then headed over to 1000 £ Bend for a massive stationary sale from NoteMaker. It was pretty much every student's dream. Everything was super cheap and really chic. We bought $40 worth of stuff which is pictured further down. There was everything from notebooks to folders to iPad cases.
By this stage we were fairly peckish and the cafe at 1000 £ Bend was overflowing with people so we headed up the road to our favourite little hideaway, the Giraffe Cafe. I love this cafe because it's well priced for good food and it doesn't have massive portion sizes so you can fit in dessert afterwards (mmm cheesecake).
And here's what we bought at NoteMaker. I'm jealous of my friend who bought this adorable flatpack globe that you assemble yourself. It was only $5 and I have no idea why I didn't buy one, I think I was just off in fairyland.
So far I'd spent a grand total of $22 on both lunch and a whole heap of stuff from the stationary sale. This was part one, click here Part 2!
Sportsgirl Melbourne Flagship
283 Bourke St Mall, Melbourne 3000
1000 £ Bend
361 Lt Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 3000
Giraffe Cafe
302 Lt Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 3000

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