
Eat Street Markets Brisbane

June 29, 2014

Following on from my last post at Mecca Bah, my friend suggested we head to the Eat Street Markets, which has apparently becoming something of an institution in Brisbane. I'm definitely not one to turn down the offer of shopping, so we jumped in the car and headed over 30mins before it was meant to close.

Mecca Bah Emporium Brisbane

June 27, 2014

Whilst in Brisbane I didn't get much free time, but when I did, the first thing I did was catch up with my oldest friend. We met when were 5 on our first day at school, and now 17 years later, we're still good friends. I told her that I'd have a night off to go have dinner and that she needs to find a cool, hipster place for me to blog about. She didn't let me down, but because I'm the worst blogger ever, I forgot my DSLR camera and was left using my new iPhone (first world problems).

Brisbane Bound

June 25, 2014

Over the weekend I flew to Brisbane for work. I love being able to say that. I've been working on an event called Stadium Stomp and our first installment for the year was in Brisbane. However I will be doing a full blog post on that this week. We were only in Brisbane for about 5 days and got half a day free to go explore the city. We were staying at the Marriott Hotel so we were super close to the CBD, Queen Street Mall and Brisbane River.

Emporium Melbourne Urban Kitchen Launch

June 23, 2014

Last week Emporium Melbourne officially launched their new downstairs food-court, the Urban Kitchen. The word food-court doesn't give you particularly high expectations of the food because you generally associate it with McDonalds and KFC. However being the Emporium, you'll find only the best street-food style eateries here.

A Glass And Some Class With Ferrari

June 18, 2014

If you had've told me two years ago when I started this blog that I'd get invited to a schmancy party hosted by Ferrari, I would've laughed. Even now it was a bit of a pinch-yourself moment. Ferrari have just launched their new California model, the California T, so in the spirit of the West Coast, we got dressed up and drank champagne. Before the car rolled in, we got to see an exclusive sneak peak of of the Australian designer Camilla's new range, which is also in celebration of her 10 year anniversary. Enjoy :)

Mixtape // 15 Best Road Trip Songs

June 12, 2014

I've been working a lot lately and I'm just starting to get sick too, so a social life is off the table at the moment. I couldn't, however, not put up a blog post this week, so I thought I'd just piggyback off the fact that I went on a road trip a couple of weeks ago and share my top road trip songs... enjoy!

If you haven't seen my road trip posts, click here.

1. Dakota - Stereophonics

Winter Tropics

June 8, 2014

Winter has set in here in Melbourne but that doesn't mean you can stay in bed for the next three months. As tempting as that sounds. Located in the centre of Melbourne, QV have created an amazing Summery Tropical Retreat for you to hide away from the cold Winter weather! Last week they launched this little oasis with a spectacular opening night featuring Polynesian musicians and dancers, delicious tropical cocktails and nibbles and tempting chocolates.

Bail Out

June 4, 2014

So last weekend I was working at a very unique event held at possibly the coolest venue in town, the Old Melbourne Gaol (jail). The Bail Out is a fundraising event for the not-for-profit organisation Whitelion who provide mentoring and outreach programs to at risk youth. As part of the work experience I'm currently doing, I was able to assist on the night, but of course managed to sneak away for 5 minutes to get some photobooth photos done with my 2 best friends. Don't worry though, I wasn't taking photos whilst I was working, I handed that job over to these nutters ↑

Playing With Australian Animals @ Great Ocean Ecolodge // #RoadTripMelbourne

June 1, 2014

Ever since I was a child I've been obsessed and fascinated with small furry Australian animals, to the point where my Dad still buys me a chocolate Easter Bilby instead of a chocolate bunny for Easter. So it's probably easy to see how I fell completely in love with the Conservation Ecology Centre and the work the wonderful people there are doing.